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I cannot draw, and I cannot paint. I am always in awe of people who can. Seeing something or someone and transferring it through your fingers with a pen or a brush is foreign yet incredible to me. What I have, though, is patience and focus. Things that require details and concentration attract me. When I work on a piece, I go into an almost state of trance or meditation, where the outside world vanishes for a while. The inspiration often comes from something I’ve seen, which triggers an idea I have to bring to fruition. It is hours and hours of work on my computer. Sometimes I know what the result will look like, and sometimes I do not. If you are interested in buying an art piece, get a quote.

Optical Illusion

OPTICAL ILLUSION I saw someone do this on Youtube, and I was mesmerized. How could you end up with all these shapes by drawing only triangles? Of course, I had to try. Lo and behold, it worked. That was the start of this piece for me. After tracing thousands of triangles of all sizes, I organically moved along and ended up with this excellent design.

THE GATE Sometimes it's not what it is but what it can be. I saw this design on an iron gate during one of my walks with my friend Lykke in Paris. She probably wondered then why I was taking a picture of the gate but did not say anything. Like with most photos I take, the "something" that I see is not always apparent, even to me. What was I trying to achieve when I started to work on this piece? To be honest, I do not know. I started with "cleaning" the picture and removing any item that took my eyes away from the ironwork. I then played with colors and eventually ended up with several colored versions I envisioned as a series. When Lykke saw the piece, she immediately recognized the gate.

LOVE For this design, I used the same process of adding triangles as I did for OPTICAL ILLUSION. However, in this case, the difference is that I started with a preset layout to end up with a symmetrical artwork. So instead of moving organically, I followed the pattern I had created. Because the shapes depend on many stages, I still could not foresee the overall project's appearance. Each "curve" could have been in the opposite direction, depending on where I started the triangle. So moving forward and discovering new shapes and patterns was still thrilling. I called it LOVE because I found out that the love of my life had passed away while I was working on it. It helped me focus on something other than the grief and the sadness.

COLORS I often am happy to spend the weekend alone at home, working on a new piece. Nothing can distract me. Hours go by, and I get lost in my head. I threw a few lines on the page when I started this piece, not knowing where this would take me. Step by step, the design took form organically. While adding shapes and colors, I discovered what had transpired from my mind to my fingertips and was happy with the outcome.

RAYS OF LIFE There is no greater joy for me than seeing something take shape, evolve, and come to fruition right before my eyes. The process is fluid and freeing since I have no preconceived notion of where I "need" to end up.

OPTICAL ILLUSION SQUARES I do not understand people who get bored. First, we have many options to keep our minds busy and enthralled. Deciding what to do is sometimes the most challenging endeavor. The possibilities are endless, from books to movies, gardening, taking a stroll, or creating something. The internet now gives us access to the globe and beyond, opening a world of knowledge. Why not learn something new, visit a new location, even if only virtually, and discover an unknown culture? I have so much at my fingertips that it is inconceivable that I could not entertain myself. Like I used to tell my niece: "Only boring people get bored."

SPIRALS 1 square...10 squares...100 squares...1000 squares...  These tricks always get me going, and I must try them myself. It seems impossible to achieve these curves while tracing hundreds of squares. Looking at the result, I am still amazed at the shadows and the twirls deceiving my eyes. It shows that you cannot always trust what you see.

FROM CHAOS TO BEAUTY I cannot draw, and I cannot paint. However, two things that work in my favor are my patience and my attention to details. I also can use the digital tools at my disposal. I love that starting this, it looked like chaos made of jumbled lines. I really had no idea where I was going to end up. I decided on a few colors and placed them throughout the design until the page was full. After that came the meticulous work of fixing and adjusting all the edges, changing some colors, changing some shapes, until I was satisfied with the finished looked. This piece is called from Chaos to Beauty.

From Chaos To Beauty.png
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