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I am not a musician. Well, not in the sense that I can play an instrument. Even though I have been plucking away on my keyboard for years, I still have two right hands and can't play anything remotely ear-pleasing. What I do have, however, is a good ear, and I can put chords together, achieving an enjoyable result. The magic happens on my computer, where I arrange layers of loops until a song is born. The inspiration is always different and sometimes starts from a simple sound or a chord on the piano. I do not have a specific style and never know what the end piece will sound like. For me, that is the beauty of it. I am not bound by expectations and can freely let my imagination flow.

Look WithinDaniel Joseph Peccatus
00:00 / 13:15
KarukeraDaniel Joseph Peccatus
00:00 / 05:37
4th DimensionDaniel Joseph Peccatus
00:00 / 03:52
FirstDaniel Joseph Peccatus
00:00 / 03:58
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