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There are several things that I want to attempt as far as writing goes. I want to write a novel. Ironically, I do not really like reading non-fiction works. I like books where I learn something, so I prefer biographies and historical stories. I do like a good historical fiction, though. However, I have this idea for a novel that has been on my mind for a while, and it is time to let it out. I will also publish a second collection of poems. I never stop writing. I don't want these words to linger around me and not reach open eyes and ears.

THE UNREALITY OF YOU My closed eyelids could not keep you from entering my nightly kingdom Uninvited yet welcomed, I feel your debilitating embrace I wondered how this unreality of you I cannot fathom Would protect your ethereal memory alive beyond this space Gone, but here you are, as beautiful as the day your gaze enthralled me Still engulfing the air around me, leaving me begging for each breath This wave of passion knocks me back down when I reach the top, killing me I'm the one dreaming, yet what you give never is mine, even in death You are nowhere, yet everywhere Intangible versions of you I'm unraveling here or there I am quivering without you You are everywhere, yet nowhere Unimaginable lesions by you Covering my heart with despair I still lay down my torch for you You invite me to contemplate your realm and share a blissful moment But these joyful instances always left a definite bitter taste This love is never fulfilling yet always and forever present You reach out from the divine, but I still fear all these years were a waste You are so near I can see you But too far beyond to be held My defenses weak against you I'm questioning what's in my head You are now too far to love me You come near so I don't forget Invade me and leave me lonely I shiver from love and regret

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