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When you know, you care.

Not everybody can afford to travel the world, and that is unfortunate. I do believe that when you are face-to-face with beauty, splendor, and magnificence the world has to offer, you cannot help but care and want to preserve the planet so the next generations can experience that as well. This trip to Patagonia, shared with my dear friend Alberto, is one of the highlights of my travel history. The scale, the majesty of the glaciers were mind-boggling. Regrettably, some have retreated or, worse, disappeared with the onset of climate change. I hope that as the earth gets "smaller" with more and more people traveling, the love for the planet will grow exponentially.

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1 comentário

Susan Sinjur
Susan Sinjur
06 de jun. de 2021

Took a closer look…wow! Doesn’t even seem “real” Glad you posted with that title/explanation :)

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